dApp Kit
Wallet Hooks


The useCurrentWallet hook retrieves the wallet that is currently connected to the dApp, if one exists.

import { ConnectButton, useCurrentWallet } from '@mysten/dapp-kit';
function MyComponent() {
	const { currentWallet, connectionStatus } = useCurrentWallet();
	return (
			<ConnectButton />
			{connectionStatus === 'connected' ? (
					<h2>Current wallet:</h2>
					<div>Name: {currentWallet.name}</div>
							{currentWallet.accounts.map((account) => (
								<li key={account.address}>- {account.address}</li>
			) : (
				<div>Connection status: {connectionStatus}</div>


Connection status: disconnected

Wallet properties

  • name - The name of the wallet
  • version - The version of the wallet as a string
  • icon - A data URL of the wallet icon as an SVG
  • accounts - An array of accounts that are available in the wallet
  • features - An object with all the wallet-standard (opens in a new tab) features implemented by the wallet
  • chains - An array of chain identifiers that the wallet supports

Connection status properties

  • connectionStatus

    • disconnected - When no wallet connected to the dApp
    • connecting - When a wallet connection attempt is in progress
    • connecting - When a wallet is connected to the dApp
  • isDisconnected - A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience.

  • isConnecting - A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience.

  • isConnected - A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience.